I'm always looking for better ways to stay in touch with my clients, friends, and anyone else interested in my entertainment programs and events.
I just found an interesting statistic. According to a recent survey, a majority of meeting planners are using online social media sites as ways of keeping touch with customers and event attendees. 61% use Facebook, 58% for LinkedIn, but only 13% are on Twitter.
If you're on one of the social media sites, and you'd like to stay in touch, keep up to date on my activities, or just follow me on any of my various social media pages, you can become a "friend" on my MySpace page, or my Facebook page, connect with me on LinkedIn, or follow my "tweets" on Twitter.
Oh, and if you'd like to stay up to date more directly, you can subscribe to my email list, and receive my email newsletter The Magic Word, by sending me an email asking to be added to the list. For immediate attention, put "Subscribe to MW" in the subject line.